Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday is always a nice day of rest.  So I thought it would be nice for you to rest your eyes on Cary Farrow.  He is an aspiring actor/model.  Let me know what you think.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ok, so it's Saturday and I realize that I have not posted anything to this blog in two years.  Well a lot has happened to say the least and I'm happy to say that my art has gotten better.  This year started off with a bang and my eye for spotting talent is keener than ever.  Take a look at some of the latest finds.

In the beginning..From the Vault, it never got posted

So here it is on Sunday and I have decided to start a photography blog. I have discovered some new talent and thought I'd share our work. Let me see if I am able to figure out how to do this. The images are of Joshua Milk. He is a new model that is looking to expand his portfolio. He is a pleasure to work with and takes direction well.